Ibhokhwe efuywayo (iCapra hircus okanye iCapra aegagrus hircus) sisilwanyana esincancisayo iyafuywa. Isuka kwibhokhwe yasendle It comes from the Inkunzi yebhokhwe kuthiwa ybuck kwaye ibhokwe yecastrated yona kuthiwa yiwhether, imazi yebhokhwe kuthiwa yidoe. iibhokhwe ezincinane kuthiwa ngamatakane.


Abantu batya inyama yazo, basela ubusi lwazo, baze basebenzise uboya nesikhumba sazo. ngobisi lwebhokhwe, kungenziwa isonka samasi, kunye nezinye izinto ezenziwa ngobisi. Amanye amafama asebenzisa iibhokhwe ukuze zitye izityalo abangazifuniyo, zityalo ezo zibizwa ngokuba called weeds. Other times, the goats are used to keep grasses and other plants from getting too tall.

Description tshintsha

The domestic goat has cloven hooves, a long beard on its chin, a short tail that turns up, and horns that grow up from the head in an arc. The hair is straight with a woolly coat under it during winter.

The domestic goat is about 70-120 cm (28-48 inches). They weigh from 45-54 kg (100-120 lb.).

Diet tshintsha

The diet of the domestic goat includes eating grass, imithi(trees), shrubs, bushes, and many other kinds of plants. If domestic goats are allowed to eat in one place, they would eat off almost all the plants on the land. [1] Some ranchers use goats to clear brush and unwanted plants from their pastures. Goats living in the desert, where plants are quite hard to find, have been seen climbing trees to get food.

Life tshintsha

Domestic goats are smart and active. They enjoy playing and climbing. They are social animals that live in a herd.

Imithombo tshintsha

  1. "ANIMAL BYTES - Domestic Goat" seaworld.org archived from the original on 20 June 2010 retrieved 19 May 2010