I am Ian Gilfillan. Unfortunately I don't speak isiXhosa, but I am keen to help the isiXhosa Wikipedia's development. My main user page is at User:Greenman on the English Wikipedia. Please rather comment on my English page, as I don't check this one very often.

List of countries tshintsha

  1. Australia - Iositreliya
  2. Canada - Ikhanada
  3. China - Itshayina
  4. Denmark - Denmark
  5. Egypt - Ijiphethe
  6. Finland - Ifinland
  7. France - Ifranisi
  8. Germany - Ijamani
  9. Greece - Igrike
  10. Hungary - Ihungary
  11. India - I indiya
  12. Israel - Usirayeli
  13. Italy - I ithali
  14. Japan - Ijapani
  15. New Zealand - Inew zealand
  16. Norway - Inoweyi
  17. Portugal - Iportugal
  18. Russia - Irashiya
  19. Scotland - iSkotlani
  20. Spain - Ispain
  21. Sweden - Iswideni
  22. Holland - Iholanti
  23. Turkey - itheki
  24. United Kingdom - Ingilani
  25. USA - Imelika