IWadi yaseKilbori B eNigeria . [1] Ifumaneka kwisithili saseShira kunye nelizwe laseBauchi State, kwindawo ephakathi kwelizwe, 400 km enyakatho-mpuma ye -Abuja, inkulu-dolophu yelizwe.

Kilbori B
Timezone WAT (UTC+1)

Imozulu ishushu kwaye yomile . [2] Ubushushu obuqhelekileyo ngama- 26 °C . Eyona nyanga ishushu nguMeyi, nge 30 °C, kwaye eyona ngqele kaJanuwari, nge 22 °C. [3] Umyinge wemvula ngama 877 millimeters ngonyaka. Eyona nyanga inemvula kakhulu nguJulayi, kunye neemilimitha 217 zemvula, kwaye eyona yomileyo nguJanuwari, kunye ne 1 millimeter. [4]

  1. [[[:iThemplethi:Geonameslink]] Kilbori B] sa [[[:iThemplethi:Geonamesabout]] Geonames.org (cc-by)]; post updated 2014-09-03; database download sa 2016-11-12
  2. Peel, M C; Finlayson, B L "Updated world map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification" Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11: 1633–1644 doi:10.5194/hess-11-1633-2007 retrieved 30 Enero 2016 
  3. "NASA Earth Observations Data Set Index" NASA archived from the original on 2020-05-10 retrieved 30 Enero 2016 
  4. "NASA Earth Observations: Rainfall (1 month - TRMM)" NASA/Tropical Rainfall Monitoring Mission archived from the original on 2021-06-10 retrieved 30 Enero 2016